UNESCO Weltkulturerbe | Düsseldorf Denkmal | English Tourist Guide DTown
Dusseldorf Medienhafen
Dusseldorf Medienhafen – Little Manhattan
Dusseldorf Medienhafen – Little Manhattan: The Medienhafen is worthwhile to walk around the harbour basin, which connects the two banks by two footbridges. The new architecture is worth seeing and evokes associations with Little Manhattan. Several photos of buildings can be found in Düsseldorf Skyscrapers.
Panoramaansicht des Düsseldorfer Medienhafens. Foto: Moritz Niehues.
Information on some buildings, name, height and year of completion or construction period, eventually architectural style and address of the buildings to be found in the Media Harbour:
Colorium, 62 m, 2001, Speditionstraße 9, 40221 Düsseldorf.
Gehry Buildings, Zollhof 3, 40221 Düsseldorf. Deconstructivism, 1996-1998.
Twin Towers and Hafenspitze 1 and 2, 65 m, 2010 Speditionstraße 19-21, 40221 Düsseldorf.